To find your Livebox TV local IP address, you can connect to your Livebox web interface http://livebox, "Mes équipements connectés", "décodeur TV". You'll find the IP address. To test it, go to http://your-tv-ip:8080/remoteControl/cmd?operation=10.
This command will display the current state of your TV box.
Example :
{ "result": {
"responseCode": "0",
"message": "ok",
"data": {
"activeStandbyState": "0",
"friendlyName": "décodeur TV 4",
"macAddress": "",
"osdContext": "LIVE",
"playedMediaContextId": "1",
"playedMediaId": "1290",
"playedMediaPosition": "NA",
"playedMediaState": "PLAY",
"playedMediaType": "LIVE",
"timeShiftingState": "0",
"wolSupport": "0"
To install my web TV remote :
npm install
npm run start
Then go to http://localhost:8888/
If you want to create a specific button pour a specific channel, you have to find the epgId code in the channels.json files. Complete to epgId to 10 digits with "*". For example, BeinSport epgID is 1290. Then the command is http://your-tv-ip:8080/remoteControl/cmd?operation=09&epg_id=******1290&uui=1