- Mube is an app that allows two people to connect with websockets, showing a simple cube as an interface.
- When two people connect they can use their phone's accelerometer to make the cube of the other person rotate.
- move to /server directory
npm install
- then move to /react-web directory
npm install
- first start server :
- move to /server directory and use
npm run dev
- then start web app :
- move to /react-web directory
npm start
- While on the same Wi-Fi network, you will need to modify socketIO IP with your local IP in /react-web/APP.js.
- example :
// Creating the socket-client instance will automatically connect to the server.
this.socket = SocketIOClient('');
- To connect two clients simply tap or click the cube the same number of times, you'll know you're connected if both cubes are the same color.
- WebsocketIO connection
- Phone accelerometer exchange
- Three.js
- Better rotation fluidity
- Better cube design with three.js
- General UI changes
- Connection status visual