** Library for accessing erl man pages **
This module attempts to duplicate the functionality of Code.get_docs by parsing the erlang man pages. The intent is to eventually extend the iex h command to provide documenatation for at least the standard erlang modules.
It also includes a minimal duplication of the iex h helper for testing. This h function requires quoting the string. Some examples below:
Erlh.h ":os"
The functions in this module are operating system specific. Careless use of these functions will result in programs that will only run on a specific platform. On the other hand, with careful use these functions can be of help in enabling a program to run on most platforms.
Erlh.h ":erlang.element"
element(N, Tuple) -> term()
N = integer() >= 1 1..tuple_size(Tuple)
Tuple = tuple()
Returns the N
th element (numbering from 1) of Tuple
> element(2, {a, b, c}).
Allowed in guard tests.