A simple Python wrapper for the Molaris REST API. Useful for getting ERC-20 token prices, getting general token information and getting information about all tokens in a wallet.
Use requires a Molaris API key which is currently available with the free Molaris service tier.
- https://moralis.io/
- https://deep-index.moralis.io/api-docs/#/
- https://docs.moralis.io/moralis-server/web3-sdk/moralis-web3-api-rest
Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the Moralis API Key.
from MoralisPy import MoralisPy
moralis = MoralisPy()
from pprint import pprint as pp
token_address = "0x8430146cFd6F29c2B580c1004787b7d3c9F9F3b8"
pp(moralis.get_token_metadata(token_address, "avalanche"))
{'address': '0x8430146cfd6f29c2b580c1004787b7d3c9f9f3b8',
'block_number': '8540191',
'decimals': '18',
'logo': None,
'logo_hash': None,
'name': 'VaporNodes',
'symbol': 'VPND',
'thumbnail': None,
'validated': 1 }
{'exchangeAddress': '0x9ad6c38be94206ca50bb0d90783181662f0cfa10',
'exchangeName': 'TraderJoe',
'nativePrice': {'decimals': 18,
'name': 'Avalanche',
'symbol': 'AVAX',
'value': '151093980928143'},
'usdPrice': 0.017792376973093486}
Get information about all the ERC-20 tokens in a wallet, get the price of those tokens and calculate the total value of the wallet.
Native token prices (e.g. Eth, Avalanche etc.) are not provided by the Molaris API so aren't included in the sum
import pandas as pd
erc20_assets, native_token_assets, erc20_token_assets = moralis.get_total_token_assets(wallet, ['eth','avalanche'])
erc20_df = pd.DataFrame(erc20_token_assets)