This software package is offered to promote SDN trial and adoption in smaller proof-of-concept deployments. The applications are built over the Ryu controller platform. The current code base offers simple implementations of the applications / modules like topology visualization, monitoring tap management, server load-balancing. More features will be coming in soon.
If you are interested in a trial of a full solution suite that is production ready, please Sign-up.
Download VM with pre-installed software that will autostart
Alternatively, you can setup from scratch using these commands:
$ git clone $ cd ryu/ryu/app $ git clone sdnhub_apps
It is recommended to install the following packages if you do not already have it in your Python environment:
$ sudo apt-get install -y libxslt1-dev msgpack-python python-setuptools python-nose python-pip $ sudo pip install ipaddr networkx bitarray netaddr oslo.config routes webob paramiko mock eventlet xml_compare pyflakes pylint
You can now run the controller and the applications as follows:
$ cd ~/ryu $ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:. $ ./ryu/app/sdnhub_apps/
Access the configuration page by visiting http://ip-address-of-controller:8080/
Current implementation works with OpenFlow 1.3 physical and virtual switches.
Web GUI: The GUI is sourced from the application directory and served over the WSGI server already implemented by Ryu for the REST API calls. All solutions expose a north-bound API that is used by Javascript modules embedded in the HTML page to make the output dynamic.
Host tracker : The host tracker module tracks all the hosts in the system based on the PacketIn messages received at the controller. The entries in the cache expired after 300 seconds of not hearing from a host.
Topology : Displays the switches and hosts. The hosts are pulled from the host tracker application, while the switches and links are pulled from the standard topology discovery module. Presently, the topology does not auto-refresh.
Tap manager : The simple tap manager inserts custom rules in the switch based on the filter criteria specified in the UI. In the current implementation, the source and sink need to be on the same switch. The implementation is stateless and leaves it to the user to remember what taps have already been created.
Load balancer: This simple load balancer application creates a single pool of servers and assigns incoming requests to different servers in the pool on a round-robin basis. The current implementation is stateless, does not perform a L7 termination, and only load-balances TCP requests.
This code base is maintained by SDN Hub. The author is Srini Seetharaman (
以上内容为原作者发布,我们希望通过对这个项目的修改,可以用来帮助做一些 SDN 教学。
可以执行 wget -O - |bash
安装 RYU Starter Kit
wget -O - |bash
在提示设定 mysql root 密码时,请设置为 pswdtooyum.
运行 bash ~/ryu/ryu/app/tooyum/
通过浏览器访问 http://locahost:8080