Projeto de uma api restfull para o desenvolvimento de uma rede social na SysMap Excellence Full Stack Trainee 3ª edição.
--> Spring Data
--> MongoRepository
--> Maven
--> Insomnia REST API
--> Swagger
• Requirements: Java 20/Spring Boot 3.0.6/MongoDB 6.0.5/Docker
# Clone repository
git clone
• Then open the terminal in the restApi folder that contains the docker-compose.yml file and type the following command:
docker compose up -d
• To successfully upload images to localstack, you need to run the following command:
docker exec -it localstack bash
• And inside localstack bash, run the following command:
aws configure --profile default
AWS Access Key ID [None]: mykey
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: mykey
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
• After that, you need to run the following command to create the bucket:
aws s3 mb s3://demo-bucket --endpoint-url http://localhost:4566/
• Now that the celioamaral20/rest-Api, mongo and localstack/localstack image containers are running locally with the docker-compose. yml, it is now possible to use the application.
• To use the application using the Swagger client and access the endpoint documentation, access the following URL in your browser:
🔗 http://localhost:8082/swagger-ui/swagger-ui/index.html 🔗
• To pass information in the request header, such as the token, you can consume the API endpoints via Postman or Insomnia.
// Open the 'Backend/restapi' project in the editor of your choice
// Run the file ''
Infelizmente não tive como fazer o build da aplicação no Docker, devido a falta de infraestrutura no momento.. mas agradeço a SysMap Solutions, Renan e Bruno pela oportunidade de aprendizado e conhecimento nas tecnologias apresentadas neste projeto de API. Gostaria de entregar pelo menos um código funcional, onde fiz os testes de forma local.