Hey 👋, I'm Brayan David Aroca Gonzalez!
I'm a graduate in Biostatistics Master's Degree 🎓 from Manuela Beltrán University 🏛. I'm a Data Scientist 💡 with strong statistical background and 4+ years of experience using predictive modeling, data processing, and data mining algorithms to solve challenging business problems ✨. Excellent in Python, R and SQL and passionate about supervised learning and customer segmentation 👨. I love to explore new technologies and leverage them to solve real-life problems 🤓.
Joined Github 4 years ago.
Since then I pushed 100+ commits, opened 2+ issues, submitted 27+ pull requests, created 0+ gists and contributed to 6+ public repositories.
Like My Work?
- 🛠 I’m currently working with Python, R, SQL,
PostgreSQL, Machine Learning, PyTorch, etc. - 🚀 I’m currently learning PyTorch Framework.
- 👨🏻💻 Most of my projects are available on Github.
- 💬 Ask me about anything here! I am happy to help.
- 👾 Fun fact: There are approximately 400,000 bytes of data for every grain of sand on earth.
- 📫 How to reach me: bdarocag@gmail.com.
- 📝 Checkout my Resume.
- 💻 I love exploring new data and building cool dashboards.
- 📰 Reading & writing DS blogs whenever possible.
- 🍕 Datathons, meetups & DS events.
⚙️ Things I use to get stuff done
- OS: Windows 10
- Laptop: HP Elitebook (i5)
- Browser: Chrome Browser
- Terminal: Power Shell
- Code Editor: VSCode - The best editor out there.
- To Stay Updated: deepnote.com, Linkedin and Twitter.
⚛️ Checkout My VSCode Configrations Here.