This repo is Git scraping all public alerts from the US National Weather Service, from 2021-12-11 on.
The Atom XML feed of alerts can be found at data/feed.xml. This feed provides summaries of currently active alerts and links to details.
Alert details are scraped to daily directories in data/, using their rather unruly IDs as filenames. The alerts are XML files that use the Common Alerting Protocol. They seem to use a variety of methods of geocoding, including FIPS6 and maybe polygons for certain types of alerts.
- NWS Public Forecast Zones
- StackOverflow: Mapping UGC or FIPS6 geocodes to polygons?
- Wikipedia: FIPS county code
- Weather Alerting using FIPS6, UGC County, and UGC Zone Codes
- Wikipedia: Common Alerting Protocol
- Improve the scraper to re-scrape updated alerts
- Work on parsing and auto-publishing a useful public Datasette of this data