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Relation Extraction Based on CrossAttention Neural Network

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Relation Extraction Based on CrossAttention Neural Network

This repository contain the NYT and WebNLG datasets for the paper "Relation Extraction Based on CrossAttention Neural Network"


The original NYT dataset is proposed by Sebastian Riedel, Limin Yao, and Andrew McCallum for the paper "Modeling relations and their mentions without labeled text". The paper is available at
The original WebNLG dataset is proposed by Claire Gardent, Anastasia Shimorina, Shashi Narayan, and Laura Perez-Beltrachini for the paper "Creating training corpora for nlg micro-planners".The paper is available at The original WebNLG dataset is available at
the modified NYT and WebNLG datasets are available at which are collected and uploaded by Zhepei Wei, Jianlin Su, Yue Wang, Yuan Tian, and Yi Chang. The paper "A Novel Cascade Binary Tagging Framework for Relational Triple Extraction" is available at
Thanks for the above authors' contribution. We uploaded the two public datasets in JSON format. Moreover, we split the test set of two datasets based on the overlap problem, number of triplets, and sentence length and uploaded the result.


We will upload the source code after code review


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Relation Extraction Based on CrossAttention Neural Network






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