flabbergast's EAGLE PCB files
Currently, the following PCBs are here:
An USB stick with atxmega128a4u, RGB LED, microSD socket and 2 buttons. More details here.
My SMD take on Little Wire. Optionally 3V3 operation, USB-A or mini or micro USB socket. Webpage here.
AVR stick microSD + ATMEL EEPROM shield
A shield for matrixstorm's AVR stick, with micro SD, SOIC-8 (JEDEC) I2C EEPROM landing and a proto area. A more detailed writeup is here.
Fits Sparkfun's microSD socket, a variety of ATMEL (or others') I2C EEPROMs (including crypto chips like ATSHA204, ATAES132 or ATECC108 in SOIC-8 package). One button (also from Sparkfun), one LED. The smaller parts are SMD 1206.
A simple UEXT board, with the same microSD socket from Sparkfun, and a SOIC-8 I2C EEPROM landing. Note that the boards from Olimex with UEXT already have pull-ups on I2C signals, so these are not needed if it should be used with them.
These are basic breakouts for some ARM chips. Minimal (recommended) extra parts. For photos and some comments see this post.