If you want to use the pretrained multilingual sparse word embeddings that served as the basis for the experiments in the ICLR2020 paper Massively Multilingual Sparse Word Representations you can do it so from the above link.
You can also familiarize yourself with the kind of sparse representations we trained in this Colab notebook
git clone git@github.com:begab/mamus.git
cd mamus
conda create --name mamus python==3.6.3
source activate mamus
pip install -r requirements.txt && conda install -c conda-forge python-spams
wget http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/~berendg/docs/fasttext_cbow100_{en,fr}.vec.gz
python mamus.py --embedding-mode fasttext_cbow100 --dictionary-fallback --dictionary-file dictionaries/massively_multiling/parallel.fwdxbwd-dict.fr-en.gz --source-embedding fasttext_cbow100_en.vec.gz --target-embedding fasttext_cbow100_fr.vec.gz --out-path en_fr_mamus.vec > mamus.log 2>&1 &
title={Massively Multilingual Sparse Word Representations},
author={G{\'a}bor Berend},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},