Haskell bindings to the Cielo API v3. AGPLv3 licensed.
All endpoints are wrapped; and smoke tested. A lot of the code was generated
from Java bindings; the types aren't properly specified, sometimes the Cielo API
uses different request/response types so some things are just set to the Value
aeson type, since we can only type it as being JSON.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Web.Payments.Cielo
main :: IO ()
main = do
cnf <- cieloConfigFromEnv
runCielo cnf $ do
uuid <- getMerchantOrderId
let customer = def { customerName = "Pedro Tacla Yamada"
payment = def { paymentCreditCard =
Just def { creditCardCardNumber = "0000000000000001"
, creditCardHolder = "Pedro Tacla Yamada"
, creditCardExpirationDate = "12/2023"
, creditCardSecurityCode = Just "123"
, creditCardBrand = "visa"
, paymentAmount = Just 10000
sale <- createSale Sale { saleMerchantOrderId = uuid
, saleCustomer = customer
, salePayment = payment
liftIO $ print sale