A small 2D game
- The player’s goal is to collect every collectible present on the map, then go to the exit.
- The player moves in these 4 directions: up (keyboarde W), down (keyboarde S), left (keyboarde A), right (keyboarde D).
- Minilibx installed (for 42 students using Workspaces the library is already installed)
- Minilibx requires differents libraries depending on the OS as explained here
- For Linux or Mac OS update Makefile as indicated here in the installation and compilation parts.
If you are using Workspaces just
- run
./so_long maps/map.ber
with the specific map of your choice.
Map files are provided in maps
but you can create your own.
The game only accepts a map in the *ber format and the characters:
- 1 for walls
- 0 for empty space
- C for colletibles
- E for exit
- P for player
Enjoy and have fun!