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Keystone Mysql Support (IN PROGRESS)


This is an attempt to give Keystone the ability to work with Mysql relational databases.

I made this decision after I read on keystone issues that there is no intention to work on a Mysql support as they actually have plenty of work with Keystone itself.


The required foundation & implementation strategy are ready. So this code is a good start point.

The main idea is to use a wrapper for mongoose I called dbObj (_core/keystone/_dbObj).

This project was set to use a local version of Keystone (_core/keystone) to enable changes tracking. Connection to mongoDB was kept for facilitate test until the full replacement '_DBObj' full implementation is ready.

Capability Current version is able to create Mysql tables automatically for keystone models (only for simple attributes).

Install & running steps

  1. Start Mongodb server

Mongodb Server is still required, and will remain, until the replacement Wrapper is fully ready

mongod --dbpath path/to/data/folder
  1. Start Mysql Server
/etc/init.d/mysqld start

I use MAMP

  1. Run modifier version of keystone-mysql
node keystone.js 

You can use DEV Mode for live js reload

KEYSTONE_DEV=true node keystone.js 
  1. Debug NodeJS serverside using CHROME NODE JS DEBUGGER (Optional)
KEYSTONE_DEV=true node --inspect-brk keystone.js 


  1. Please Star this project so it can gain support.
  2. Contributions (with ideas, approach or coding) are welcome.
  3. Fork, create feature branch & send a pull request !

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