Nimble MCMC samplers for categorical SPIM from "Spatial capture–recapture for categorically marked populations with an application to genetic capture–recapture"
There are two data augmentation approaches, 1) regular data augmentation as used in the original paper and 2) an alternative that allows a Poisson prior on expected abundance (DA2 in file names). The latter allows faster N/z updates.
There are 4 observation models, 1) Poisson, 2) Bernoulli, 3) negative binomial, and 4) zero-truncated Poisson hurdle. Currently, 3 is only available with regular data augmentation and 2 and 4 are only available with DA2. The negative binomial requires "better data" to work well, i.e., more partial ID information and/or less home range overlap.
All scripts are set up for >1 ID covariate except there is a Poisson version that allows just 1. Other scripts can be set up for just 1 in the same way.
See test scripts and then the files loaded inside test scrips, e.g., model files, data simulator, data initializer, nimble functions/custom updates.