Buck2 rules for the Open Containers Initiative image format.
Add this repo as an external cell in your projects .buckconfig
# there will be other cells already
oci = oci
# there may be other external cells already
oci = git
git_origin = https://github.com/benbrittain/oci-rules.git
commit_hash = 7cda0ad213b2108f50beb756697f3c5435ad2c56
The OCI rules depend on a container manipulation tool called crane. You must define the oci_toolchain
rule in your //toolchains
load("@oci//oci:toolchain.bzl", "oci_toolchain", "download_crane_binary")
# Optional helper macro for fetching the crane binary based on platform arch
name = "crane",
version = "0.19.1",
# Register the mandatory toolchain
name = "oci",
crane = ":crane",
visibility = ["PUBLIC"],
TODO: Render documentation from starlark here
$ buckle build //tests:image --out - | podman load
$ podman run -it --rm localhost:61978/image.tar:latest