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'Doom Like' FPS Engine

This repo is a learning exercise in writing a simple retro style FPS engine, similar to Doom using nothing by JavaScript and WebGL.

It is not an attempt to implement the original Doom engine in JS, instead a fully polygon based 3D world is created & rendered using WebGL. The world (walls, floors, ceilings etc) consists of triangle meshes, and the items, monsters etc are draw using the 'bill-boarding' technique to inject 2D sprites into a 3D world.

Current features:

  • 🧊 Full 3D geometry, including triangulated floors and ceilings
  • 🗺️ Custom levels loaded from JSON
  • 🖼️ Doom style texture mapping
  • 🪚 Sectors with differing heights for floors & ceilings
  • 🪨 Physics based collision detection
  • 🚨 Multiple lights and coloured lighting
  • 🏃‍♂️ Animation for sprites

No bundling or compilation is required, it runs as a pure HTML & JS app, using modern ES6 modules.

Live Demo

Live demo version is here hosted on GitHub pages


screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Running Locally

Run any HTTP server of your choice from the root directory of this repo, and browse to the URL serving this repo folder.

If you have Node installed, you can run:

make install-tools
make local-server

The makefile is your friend, simply run make for helpful text

$ make
 _          _       
| |__   ___| |_ __  
| '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ 
| | | |  __/ | |_) |
|_| |_|\___|_| .__/ 
help                 💬 This help message :)
install-tools        🔮 Install dev tools into project bin directory
lint                 🌟 Lint & format check only, sets exit code on error
lint-fix             📝 Lint & format, attempts to fix errors & modify code
local-server         🌐 Start a local HTTP server for development


  • Move Forward - W / up-arrow
  • Move Back - S / down-arrow
  • Turn Right - D / right-arrow
  • Turn Left - A / left-arrow
  • Strafe Right - Q
  • Strafe Left - E
  • Look Up - R
  • Look Down - F

Debug Controls

  • FOV decrease - 1
  • FOV increase - 2
  • NOCLIP toggle - Insert
  • Move Up - Page Up (when NOCLIP is enabled)
  • Move Down - Page Down (when NOCLIP is enabled)

Included Libraries

Some libraries have been copied into the repo (within the lib folder), this has been done under the terms of the license they have been distributed under.


A learning exercise in writing a simple retro style FPS






