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A HTTP/JSON API for the Troll Dice & Probability Calculator


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Trollr: A HTTP/JSON API for Troll

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GitHub Workflow Status License: MIT Swagger Validator Go Reportcard Website

Trollr is a simple wrapper around the amazing Troll: A dice roll language and calculator created by Torben Mogensen. Trollr has no affiliation with Troll or Torben Mogensen but the author of Trollr greatly appreciates his work. The wrapper simply exposes and HTTP/JSON server that executes Troll, parses the results and returns it. The server has some built in rate-limiting and pooling to prevent abuse. I created this small server to support a Discord bot that I am working on.

Using the Trollr API


Trollr has a Swagger UI that can be used for examples and testing at In addition, you can find the latest Swagger JSON here in this repository or served from the API at


Roll - POST

Given a roll definition this will delegate the roll to Troll and return the results structured as JSON.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
d query The Troll roll definition. This can passed as the query parameter 'd' or in the request body. No string
d body The Troll roll definition. This can passed as the query parameter 'd' or in the request body. No string
n query The number of times to repeat the roll No integer
Code Description Schema
200 The results from rolling the dice RollsResult
400 The error will be populated in the result RollsResult
Name Type Description Required
Definition string No
Error string No
NumTimes long No
Rolls Rolls No
Runtime long No
Name Type Description Required
Roll array[string]
Name Type Description Required
Rolls array[Roll]
Simple roll definition in the query parameter
POST /api/roll?d=2d6 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Notice-Message: The 'Trollr' API is a simple server that wraps the amazing 'Troll' program. This API is not associated with the author of the 'Troll' program.
Notice-Troll-Author: Torben Mogensen <>

    "definition": "2d6",
    "num_times": 1,
    "rolls": [
    "runtime": 1
Complex roll definition in the request body
POST /api/roll HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, */*

\ Savage Worlds
max { sum (accumulate x:=d6 while x=6),
      sum (accumulate y:=d N while y=N) }

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Notice-Message: The 'Trollr' API is a simple server that wraps the amazing 'Troll' program. This API is not associated with the author of the 'Troll' program.
Notice-Troll-Author: Torben Mogensen <>

    "definition": "\\ Savage Worlds\r\nN:=8;\r\nmax { sum (accumulate x:=d6 while x=6),\r\n      sum (accumulate y:=d N while y=N) }",
    "num_times": 1,
    "rolls": [
    "runtime": 1014

Calc - POST

Given a roll definition this will delegate the roll to Troll and return the probabilities structured as JSON.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
d query The Troll roll definition. This can passed as the query parameter 'd' or in the request body. No string
d body The Troll roll definition. This can passed as the query parameter 'd' or in the request body. No string
c query What kind of cumulative probabilities you would like. One of 'ge' (default), 'gt', 'le', or 'lt'. No string
Code Description Schema
200 The probabilities of rolling the dice CalcResult
400 The error will be populated in the result CalcResult
Name Type Description Required
Average Probability No
Cumulative string No
Definition string No
Error string No
MeanDeviation Probability No
ProbabilitiesCum Probabilities No
ProbabilitiesEq Probabilities No
Runtime long No
Spread Probability No
Name Type Description Required
Probabilities map[string]Probability
Name Type Description Required
Probability number
POST /calc?d=sum+2d6 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Host: localhost:6789

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Notice-Message: The 'Trollr' API is a simple server that wraps the amazing 'Troll' program. This API is not associated with the author of the 'Troll' program.
Notice-Troll-Author: Torben Mogensen <>

    "average": 7,
    "cumulative": "ge",
    "definition": "sum 2d6",
    "mean_deviation": 1.94444444444,
    "probabilities_eq": {
        "2": 2.77777777778,
        "3": 5.55555555556,
        "4": 8.33333333333,
        "5": 11.1111111111,
        "6": 13.8888888889,
        "7": 16.6666666667,
        "8": 13.8888888889,
        "9": 11.1111111111,
        "10": 8.33333333333,
        "11": 5.55555555556,
        "12": 2.77777777778
    "probabilities_cum": {
        "2": 100,
        "3": 97.2222222222,
        "4": 91.6666666667,
        "5": 83.3333333333,
        "6": 72.2222222222,
        "7": 58.3333333333,
        "8": 41.6666666667,
        "9": 27.7777777778,
        "10": 16.6666666667,
        "11": 8.33333333333,
        "12": 2.77777777778
    "runtime": 1012,
    "spread": 2.4152294577

Roll Definitions

Troll is compatible with the usual ndx dice language but extends it much further providing support for any kind of rolling mechanic out there.

For the best reference of creating roll definitions check out the Troll User Manual. Also helpful is the Troll Quick Reference. And finally you can review roll defintions that the community has submitted on the Troll Web Interface.

Here is a quick reference of the Troll Roll Language.

Syntax Description
dn or Dn roll one dn (a die labeled 1 - n)
mdn or mDn roll m dn
zn or Zn roll one zn (a die labeled 0 - n)
mzn or mZn roll m zn
+, -, *, /, mod arithmetic on single values
sgn sign of number (as -1, 0 or 1)
sum add up values in collection
count count values in collection
U or @ union of collections
{e1,...,en} union of e1,...,en
min, max minimum or maximum value in collection
minimal, maximal all minimum or maximum values in collection
median the median value in a collection
least n, largest n n least or n largest values in collection
m # e m samples of e
.. range of values
choose choose value from collection
e pick n pick (without replacement) n values from collection e
<, <=, >, >= , =, =/= filters: Keep values from 2nd argument that compare to 1st argument
drop elements found in 1st argument and not in 2nd
keep elements found in 1st argument that are also found in 2nd
-- multiset difference
different remove duplicates
if-then-else conditional. Any non-empty is considered true
?p return 1 with probability p and {} otherwise
& substitute for logical and
! substitute for logical not
x := e1; e2 bind x to value of e1 in e2.
foreach x in e1 do e2 evaluate e2 for each value in e1 and union the results.
repeat x := e1 while/until e2 repeatedly evaluate e1 while or until e2 becomes true (non-empty). Return last value
accumulate x := e1 while/until e2 repeatedly evaluate e1 while or until e2 becomes true (non-empty). Return union of all values
function define function
compositional define compositional function
call call function
[e1,e2] Pair of e1,e2
%1 First component of pair
%2 Second component of pair
~ x~v returns the value of x if x is defined and otherwise returns v

The Troll Quick Reference also lists some other operators as well as precedence.


Savage Worlds (Aces/Exploding and Wild Card dice)
\ Savage Worlds

max { sum (accumulate x:=d6 while x=6),
      sum (accumulate y:=d N while y=N) }
Blades in the Dark
\ Blades in the Dark (Naive)
if N=0 then
  max(N d6)
\ Blades in the Dark (Outcome)
N := 2;

R := if N=0 then 2d6 else N d6;
P := if N=0 then min(R) else max(R);
C := if N=0 then count(minimal(R)) else count(maximal(R));

if 6=P then
  if 1<C then "6+ Critical success!"
  else "6 Full success!"
  if 3<P then "4-5 Partial success!"
  else "1-3 Bad outcome!"
Shadowrun 5e

For a complete set of Shadowrun 5e functions including combat, edge and opposed rolls see this gist.

\ Example: Roll a normal skill roll with a 12 dice pool and limit of 5
\call fSimpleLimit(12,5)

\ Example: Roll the same pool but using edge to "Push the Limit" and an edge rating of 3
\call fSimpleEdgePush(12,3)

\-- Simple Pool Test without Limit

function fSimple(pool)=
  count 4 < pool#(d6)

\-- Simple Pool Test with Limit

function fSimpleLimit(pool,limit)=
  min{call fSimple(pool), limit}

\-- Simple Pool Test with Push the Limit
\--   Adds edge rating number of dice to the dice pool, ignores any limits and
\--   applies the rule of sixes.

function fSimpleEdgePush(pool,edge)=
  count 4 < (pool + edge)#(accumulate x:=d6 while x=6)

\-- Simple Pool Test with Second Chances
\--   Reroll all dice that did not hit on the first roll.

function fSimpleEdgeReroll(pool, limit)=
  firstRoll:=call fSimple(pool);
  secondRoll:=call fSimple(max{pool - firstRoll, 0});
  min{firstRoll+secondRoll, limit}


A HTTP/JSON API for the Troll Dice & Probability Calculator







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