Temp·li·to [temp-lee-toh]
- (noun) A small underscore.js template precompiler.
- (noun) A template burrito.
Generates javascript files for underscore.js templates.
To install:
npm install -g templito
For quick help:
templito -h
will bring up the help info:
Compiles underscore.js templates into javascript files.
templito source-dir out-dir [options]
-c, --compile-style Options include: "combined" (single file), "directory" (one file per directory) and "file" (one output file per input file). [default: "directory"]
-p, --path-case The casing for the object path part of an output function's address. If the template is source_dir/a/b/c.html, then the object path part is source_dir/a/b. Options include "camelCase", "CapitalCase", and "snake_case". [default: "CapitalCase"]
-f, --function-case The casing for the output function's name. Options are the same as for the path-case option. [default: "camelCase"]
-e, --extension templito will look for files with the given extension. [default: ".html"]
-k, --keep-extension Whether or not the output files should keep the original file extension as part of its name. [default: false]
-n, --namespace The namespace to add your compiled template functions to. [default: "App"]
-s, --template-settings A javascript object that will override _.templateSettings.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-w, --watch Watch the source directory for changes and recompile the templates when a change is detected.
-C, --clean Empty the out-dir before compiling.
-U, --unsafe-clean Opt out of prompt before cleaning out-dir
More detailed documentation to come.