Port of the Wild Bor World Cup pool to the MEAN stack
Requirements (not sure on the miminum requirements, this is what's on my machine):
- Ruby >= 2.0.0
- MongoDB >= 2.4.6
- Express >= 4.0.0
- Node.js >= 0.10.28
- Grunt JS - grunt-cli 0.1.13 (npm install grunt-cli)
- Bower >= 1.3.3 (npm install bower)
- Compass >= 0.12.6 (gem install compass)
Initial dev setup:
- clone this repo
- 'cd' into the new directory
- run 'bower install'
- run 'npm install'
- copy lib/config/env/test.js to lib/config/env/development.js and update the db name
- start the mongo process (I usually just leave this running in a terminal tab)
- mongod
- import the teams (double check the DB name!)
- mongoimport --db wbwcp-dev --collection teams --type json --file lib/config/seedteams.json --jsonArray
- start the app - during start-up, Users and Matches will be created if the mongo collections (tables) are empty.
- grunt serve
What works:
- User signup (no welcome email yet)
- User login; update password, name and team name
- Select match "choices" for first-round games.
- View match "choices" for other users.
- View standings page of all users.
- Basic UI to add site news.
- 'edit Match' form
- Calculate points/pick after Match update
To Do:
- Password reset (you currently need to know the old one, and be logged in, to create a new one)
- User signup captcha/token/something to prevent spam registrations. Even a hard-coded "invite/registration code"
- Knock-out round logic and UI
- Timezone toggle?
- Mad UI/UX love!