title | author | patat | ||||||
Nix - From Zero to Docker + Haskell |
Ben Kolera |
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The fundamentals & war stories from dev through to docker!
Recently, Ephox deployed their first Haskell service, with Nix!
It was difficult going and we were sad and confused at times.
But we feel like it was worth it in the end!
We love infrastructure as code
Especially if that infra can work from dev through to production
We love immutable, reproducable, reliable things
We love functional things (see point three)
This talk shares the fundamentals that we learned along the way.
And hopefully makes it easier for those that come afterwards!
Nix: Language, small set of built in functions, manages the nix store.
Nixpkgs: Nix code that both helps people package their code and has premade derivations for open source code (e.g - for each hackage package).
NixOS: A layer of nix expressions on top of NixOS for setting up a full OS.
Hydra: A CI server powered by Nix.
NixOps: A deployment tool powered by Nix.
Nix & Nixpkgs will build on non NixOS machines.
There are rough edges though (on both Mac and non NixOS Linux).
If you like nix, you'll end up on NixOS soon enough. :)
Nix: The language and the fundamentals
Nixpkgs: Specifically the docker and haskell parts
NixOS: Take a tiny peek at the config running this host.
NixOps: We are still using ansible to spin up AWS.
Hydra: We are building the images on nixos jenkins nodes.
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A programming language with a very small set of primitives and functions.
A package manager
create and compose derivations (build actions)
build the artifacts from said derivations/actions.
to manage sources, derivations and built artifacts in the nix store.
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The fundamental building block of nix is called a derivation.
Which is a set of instructions for building an artifact (source, compiler, linking, etc)
We make a derivation in nix with the
built in.
Lets checkout ./default.nix and ./builder.sh !
And build with
to make and look at the derivation. -
Nothing has been built so far. We have these two files in the store:
- /nix/store/kfl2iav6rrryxy224if57r4hx2xbl4jw-00-helloworld
All the build inputs:
- Source
- Libraries
- Compilers
- Tools for testing
- Etc
And a script(s) to build the code on a target system.
Which result in a "binary" cache output(s) of the built stuff.
Nix is a source based package manager.
But built artifacts can be cached and shared between machines.
This is safe because of the focus on reproducability.
If no cached built artifacts, can always build from source.
The artifacts built by a derivation must be pure (same inputs must return the same outputs on the filesystem).
Looking into the store can be surprising sometimes. file mtimes and other timestamps in files are set to epoch + 1 second to ensure purity.
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["there" "are" "no" "commas"]
["there" "are"] ++ ["no" "commas"]
{ name = "foo"; version = "1.0.0"; }
{ name = "foo"; } // { version = "1.0.0"; }
Let :
let foo = "bar"; in foo
Conditional :
if foo then "bar" else "baz"
assert shouldHaveThingo -> thingo != null;
let id = x: x
let const = a: b: a
{ message ? "world" }: "Hello ${message}"
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Whether they be other derivations (source/dependencies/etc)
Or pure nix values (configuration)
Nix's guarantee is that for the same inputs, the same output will be produced.
Nix gives us the ability to write functions that set our code up as the user wants!
This means we get away from the divide between config and package management.
See [./00-nix/01-functional_derivations/default.nix]
Note that when we build it we get two derivations and artifacts.
Changing the strings and rebuilding gives new store paths.
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To build bigger and better things, we really need to start using the extra goodies from nixpkgs.
This brings in loads more helper functions and a huge set of premade derivations for OSS.
See [./01-nixpkgs/00-stdenv/dynamodb-local.nix]
See [./01-nixpkgs/00-stdenv/default.nix]
Build it!
Install the build derivation & run it.
Runtime deps:
nix-store -q --tree $(which dynamodb-local)
Build deps:
nix-store -q --tree $(nix-store -qd $(which dynamodb-local))
This looks complicated, and it is, but it is all so we can install a newer JRE later for other code and not break dynamoDB.
I have previously set up a public key on this machine as per these instructions: https://blog.joel.mx/posts/how-to-use-nix-copy-closure-step-by-step
Make sure there is no dynamodb on the copy host
nix-copy-closure --to talk@ --sign $(nix-store -q --deriver <dynamodb path>)
On the copy:
nix-env -i <derivation_path>
- Explain channels
Can layer with other nixpkgs
Hydra essentially does this, but I haven't got that working yet
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- All the GHC versions, GHCJS, curated package snapshot.
Show how to run cabal2nix to get our package.nix
And a build.nix
Make our derivation a function and take in config variables to configure it.
Write out config and wire it into service.
We got into this to stop using docker to setup test dbs and what not for testing.
Try copy closuring. See how huge it is.
Show tree to show all the cruft.
Show release.nix that just builds a static artifact for our service.
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- Be sure to wire in cacerts and alpine base image
- NixOps may do this alright, but I don't know yet.
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This means that we don't have to worry about an update breaking something else or worry that we need two versions or configurations of postgres around.
This makes rolling back super easy. If we haven't garbage-collected, all of the old code and config is still there.
This means we can ship built artifacts / caches around easily and safely.
So easily, in fact, that shipping a docker image with your tried and proven nix setup is very easy.
All with a package format that is flexible enough to build a dev environment with nix-shell, too.
It is lovely to have something safely composable that abstracts over config management and package management.
That is suited from dev environments, to kick ass CI all the way through to prod.
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The NixOS folks for their rad work!
David Laing & Brian McKenna for fielding all my dumb questions. :)
Dylan Just for blazing the trail with me at Ephox.
This awesome site: http://www.bagill.com/ascii-sig.php