#################################### Subject :
Bank account kata Think of your personal bank account experience When in doubt, go for the simplest solution
Requirements Deposit and Withdrawal Account statement (date, amount, balance) Statement printing
User Stories
US 1: In order to save money As a bank client I want to make a deposit in my account
US 2: In order to retrieve some or all of my savings As a bank client I want to make a withdrawal from my account
US 3: In order to check my operations As a bank client I want to see the history (operation, date, amount, balance) of my operations
Other version with Inscription/Connection/Deconnection Client at : https://github.com/benssj5/BankAccountKata
developpé avec Spring Boot, Hibernate/JPA, MySql, Spring data, Spring MVC pour les WebService Rest et Angular 2/4 avec @angular/cli
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