Taking minimalist massively multiplayer swarm games to a new level, anonymously. gaming-low-lag massively multiplayer bunch of mouse cursors and painting and fluid-like movements, in a grid of up to 16 million mini-blockchains 1 per possible colorRGB, total system state is 2^32 bits a byte[32] per powvoxel (proof-of-work-voxel) with instant perfect sync globally (hill climbable) and each possible color already maps to 1 of 64 halflifes between a nanosecond and centuries
The main code (TODO test it, just recently started compiling) is in https://github.com/benrayfield/mouseSwarm/blob/master/mutable/mouseswarm/Util.java including how to replace one byte[32] with another and paint it in a java.awt.Graphics, and comment says when to reward peer in tit-for-tat way.