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Linkedin Connections Insights 🪄

Streamlit App

Get helpful statistics on your LinkedIn connection now!

Learn more about the project (Link)

Check out a walkthrough of the app of my LinkedIn connections (Link)



This app tells you the information below

  • Total connections on LinkedIn
  • Where most of your connections work at
  • Who most of your connections are (what job title they hold)
  • Who you last connected with
  • Who you first connected with (send them a message!)
  • Bar chart of top companies and positions
  • Time series plot of your connections over time (find out when you had the most connections)
  • A graph/network of your connections (see your connections in a graph)
  • A wordcloud of your chat messages with your connections (new!)
  • Last but not least, a "who you can cold email" section that provides a list of emails of your connections (perks of LinkedIn connections!)

Use it now!

Word Cloud (New Feature!)


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd linkedin-visualizer

Using Docker

Build an Image

docker build -t linkedin-visualizer:1.0 .

Run the Image

docker run -p 8501:8501 linkedin-visualizer:1.0

The app is now live on http://localhost:8501/

Using Conda

Create Conda environment

  conda create --name env_name python=3.8

Activate the environment

  conda activate env_name

Install requirements

  pip install -r requirements.txt

Run streamlit

  streamlit run

Using Poetry

first make sure you have python 3.8

  poetry install
  poetry run streamlit run


Contributions are always welcome!

All connections

Here's what happens when I display all of the companies where my connections work at