This is Achievement 1 for the Full Stack Immersion course from
It's a basic pokedex, fetching pokemon from the public pokemon API. As of this writing, it only shows an image, the pokemon's height, and the types of the pokemon, though I hope to expand this later.
This project is currently deployed via Github Pages, and is available here.
- Fetching data from an external API
- Custom CSS animation
- A UI Library (Bootstrap 5)
- Responsive grid, components, and images
- A loading spinner
- Modals, including a confirm/cancel modal
- Hosted (via github pages)
- Support for chrome, firefox, safari, and IE11+
- minified JS & CSS for production
- Linting with ESLint and StyleLint
The exercises in the course introduced jQuery, but I determined this app simple enough that the additional load of including the library wasn't worth it.