This is a toy/experimental Console Graphite Browser loosely based on Graphite Composer.
It uses blessed and blessed-contrib to do all the heavy lifting. blessed-contrib is a library for building console dashboards, it provides the tree and graph widgets. blessed is the UI toolkit, it has a DOM-like API and is surprisingly easy to work with.
Next steps might be to add the Graph Options and Apply Function features from Composer. And make a dashboard view a la blessed-graphite that can display and save a grid of graphs.
grubernaut [4:37 PM] holy shit
obfuscurity [8:37 AM] whoa wtf
obfuscurity [8:37 AM] that’s better than the real thing lol
npm install -g terphite
git clone
cd terphite
npm install
The code in src/
is CoffeeScript, it gets compiled to JavaScript and output to lib/
To compile the CoffeeScript source:
cake build
Or watch source for changes and compile when modified:
cake watch
Or, if you don't like CoffeeScript, just edit the JS directly. :-)