A volley stats material design app in Flutter.
I developed this during my very own 'Summer of Code 2018' to explore the potential of the platform and learn Dart.
I plan to add a couple more features in the coming months.
MVP architecture.
Error screen.
Empty screens.
It uses endpoints served by sportradar (https://developer.sportradar.com/).
Sometimes the API fails with a 403 Forbidden because it's using a sandbox environment which limits the call/second rate.
In order to test this out you need a SportRadar API sandbox key, and you need to put it into the secrets.json
file, placed in the root of the project.
Add other sub screens to the tournament details page.
Add switch to toggle between outdoor / indor volleyball.
Add cached responses for HTTP GETs.
Refine UI.
Icons come form FlatIcon - Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com