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Function Wrappers for Fish

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Python scripts for generating useful wrapper functions for commonly executed UNIX executables for the Fish shell.


How frequently do you have to forward the result of which, find etc. to executables like vim or chmod?

# I want to chmod an executable:
# I can either specify the full path manually..
chmod u+x /long/path/to/my/executable

# Or I can use which to do that for me.
chmod u+x (which executable)

However both of the above syntaxes are copious to write. Hence here are wrapper fish functions that will do that for you.

How do they work?

The scripts of this repo will create new fish functions, by default under ~/.config/fish/functions, one function for each command specified in the COMMANDS variable at the beginning of that script.

This is what it looks like when running these scripts:

14:38:58 ➜ ./
[CREATE]        cat     -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        chmod   -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        gvim    -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        ls      -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        vi      -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        vim     -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        grep    -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        rg      -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/

14:39:02 ➜ ./
[CREATE]        cat     -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        chmod   -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        gvim    -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        ls      -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        vi      -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        vim     -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        grep    -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/
[CREATE]        rg      -> /home/berger/.config/fish/functions/

Each of these auto-generated functions looks like the following.

function catW -d "Run which and pass the resulting executable(s) to cat."
    # All but the last argument are passed to "cat" itself.
    set argc (count $argv)
    set cmd (status current-command)
    set args
    if test $argc -eq 0
        printf "I need at least 1 argument.\nUSAGE: $cmd [flags-of-command] <name-of-executable>
        return 1
    else if test $argc -eq 1
        set args (which $argv)
        set executable $argv
        set args $argv[1..-2] (which $argv[-1])
        set executable $argv[-1]

    if ! which $executable
        printf  "Executable $executable was not found by 'which'"
        return 1

    echo Running "cat $args"
    cat $args
    return 0

# tab completion - based on which
complete -c catW -a "(complete -C (printf %s\n (commandline -ot)))" -x

type -pa Wrappers

Generate wrapper functions for executables or fish functions so that you don't have to type out the following:

vim (type -p

Instead, you can now run:


which Wrappers

Generate wrapper functions for commands so that you don't have to type out the following:

vim (which python-executable)

Instead, you can now run:

vimW python-executable

fd / find Wrappers

Generate wrapper functions for commands such as the following:

vim (find path/for/find -iname "*my-pat*")

Instead, you can now run:

vimF my-pat path/for/find

By default it uses the find executable. If you want to use fd-find specify the --fd flag

TODO grep -l / ripgrep Wrappers

How can I add/remove to the list of executables to create wrappers for?

Just edit the COMMANDS variable of the python script(s) and rerun.


Create wrapper functions for common linux commands in Fish







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