This repository includes files with plain SQL that can be used to recreate a database:
- Use schema.sql to create all tables.
- Use data.sql to populate tables with sample data.
- Check queries.sql for examples of queries that can be run on a newly created database. Important note: this file might include queries that make changes in the database (e.g., remove records). Use them responsibly!
- 📖 About the Project
- 💻 Getting Started
- 👥 Authors
- 🔭 Future Features
- 🤝 Contributing
- ⭐️ Show your support
- 🙏 Acknowledgements
- ❓ FAQ
- 📝 License
Vet Clinic Database is an SQL project where one can create a database, create a table, populate the table and querry the table.
[ Vet Clinic Database ] is a...
Describe the tech stack and include only the relevant sections that apply to your project.
Describe between 1-3 key features of the application.
- [Create a database]
- [Create a table]
- [Populate the table]
- [Query the table]
Add a link to your deployed project.
- There are no live demos for this project.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
- Create a local directory where you can clone the project
- Clone the project to your directory by running
- git clone
- Run all the command in the terminal or pgAdmin.
In order to run this project you need:
- Git and GitHub
- A code editor
- PostgresSQL
👤 Author1
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Botlhale Setou
- GitHub: @botlhale-setou
- Twitter: @botlhale_setou
- LinkedIn: @botlhalesetou
Describe 1 - 3 features you will add to the project.
- Add functionality
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Write a message to encourage readers to support your project
If you like this project kindly leave a ⭐
Give credit to everyone who inspired your codebase.
I would like to thank Microverse for the great resources shared.
This project is MIT licensed.