If we use Saprk as ETL tool, no lineage information will be written to Atlas.
Assume we want to combine three Hive tables to an un-normalized flat one. A Spark code could look like (more details in spark-etl.scala):
val employees = sqlContext.sql("select * from employees.employees")
val departments = sqlContext.sql("select * from employees.departments")
val dept_emp = sqlContext.sql("select * from employees.dept_emp")
val flat = employees.withColumn("full_name", concat(employees("last_name"), lit(", "), employees("first_name"))).
select("full_name", "emp_no").
join(departments, "dept_no")
sqlContext.sql(s"create table default.employees_flat3 stored as ORC as select * from ${tempTable}")
From a lineage perspective, "employees_flat3" is derived from the other threee tables.
The jupyter notebook StoreSparkLineage.ipynb shows how to add this information to Atlas using the REST API
![Spark Process in Atlas.png](Spark Process in Atlas.png)