Installies is a site for managing, organizing, and retrieving shell scripts for use to install, remove, update or compile apps on Linux and Unix-based systems.
You might be asking why can't you just use your system's built-in package manager. While that will work for most apps there might be some problems with others:
- Some apps might not be on your system's package manager. This would make it so you might have to compile the app, which might be difficult for newer Linux users.
- Apps you have to run through wine generally are not in package manager's repos. They also might need extra libraries that might be complicated to install.
- Utility Scripts: General purpose shell scripts.
- CLI: This will allow for a universal interface to install things on Linux. It will also allow for easier use of Installies on servers.
- Collaboration: Allowing multiple people to directly contribute to scripts without being a maintainer.
- User ranking system: A system to rank users by how popular their scripts. This will make it easier for users to judge if a script is good without having to analyze the source.