A web interface and API for rehosting images. Similar to imgur, but allowing for self-hosting.
The project is still in its infancy, and doesn't actually do anything whatsoever at the moment.
The plan is to get this basic functionality implemented first:
- Web form that posts to Snaps endpoint
- Snaps POST endpoint
- Retrieves & stores images
- Basic error checking to try and eliminate corrupted/dangerous files & invalid formats
- Returns a clean destination URL
- Snaps GET endpoint for displaying stored images (the clean destination URL)
After that groundwork is in place, then the fancy stuff can be considered:
- Thumbnails & multiple size options
- Optimizations (e.g., a message queue)
- Converting/transcoding image formats
- GIFV support
- Support for non-image formats
Interested in using this project?
Know of a killer feature you want it to have?
Let me know! Your feedback will help me gauge interest and focus on delivering a useful system.
Contact me on Twitter or use the issue tracker for feedback.
Kevin Boyd