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Supports the following databases, your can find them in DB Engines:
- A
- Access
- ActorDB
- AgensGraph
- Altibase
- AliSQL (阿里巴巴, 兼容 mysql)
- AntDB (亚信)
- Aurora (Amazon Aurora)
- Azure (Microsoft Azure Cloud Database)
- B
- BigObject
- Brytlyt
- C
- Cache (CacheDB)
- CirroDB (东方国信 行云)
- Citus
- ClickHouse
- ClustrixDB
- Cobol
- Cockroach
- ComDB2
- Covenant
- Crate
- CTree (CTreeACE, CTreeEDGE, CTreeRTG)
- Cubrid
- CynosDB (腾讯云数据库,兼容mysql, PostgreSQL)
- D
- DB2
- Derby
- DM (达梦数据库)
- Doris (Apache Doris, 百度研发)
- Drill (Apache Drill)
- E
- Elasticsearch
- EsgynDB
- F
- FileMaker
- Firebird
- G
- GaussDB (华为 高斯数据库)
- GBase (南大通用)
- GoldenDB
- Greenplum
- H
- H2
- HANA (SAP HANAColumn, HANAStore)
- Hawq (Apache Hawq)
- HerdDB
- HhDB
- HighGo (瀚高数据库)
- Hive
- I
- Ignite (Apache Ignite)
- Impala (Apache Impala)
- Informix
- Ingres
- Interbase
- Iris
- J
- JDataStore
- K
- K-DB (浪潮数据库)
- KarelDB
- KingBase (人大金仓)
- Kinetica
- Kognitio
- L
- LeanXcale
- Linter
- M
- MariaDb
- MaxCompute (阿里巴巴 飞天)
- Mckoi
- MemSQL
- MimerSQL
- Monet
- MSQL (MiniSQL)
- N
- Neo4j
- Netezza (IBM Netezza)
- NexusDB
- NuoDB
- O
- OBase
- OceanBase (阿里巴巴)
- Omnisci
- OpenBase (东软集团)
- OpenEdge
- Oracle (8i,9,9i,10g,11g,12c)
- OrientDB
- OSACR (神通数据库)
- P
- Paradox
- PerconaMySQL
- Phoenix (HBase JDBC Client)
- PostgreSQL
- Presto
- R
- RadonDB
- Raima
- RBase
- RDMSOS2200
- Redshift (Amazon Redshift)
- S
- Sadas
- SequoiaDB (巨杉数据库)
- SinoDB (星瑞格)
- Small
- SnappyData
- SnowflakeDialect
- SpliceMachine
- SQLite
- SQLServer (SQLServer 2005,2008,2012,2017)
- SQream
- T
- Tajo
- TDSQL (腾讯 分布式mysql)
- Teradata
- TiDB (北京平凯星辰科技)
- TimesTen
- Trafodion
- Transbase
- V
- Valentina
- Vertica
- Virtuoso
- VistaDB
- VoltDB
- X
- Xtreme (EXtremeSQL, XtremeData)
- Y
- Yaacomo
- YugabyteDB
Advanced Usage