A microservice for Raspberry PI running a Tiny Yolo v3 neural network to detect object in pictures
To start the container with default config :
docker run -d --name arm-tiny-yolo -p 5000:5000 arm-tiny-yolo
Alternatively you can specify a conf diretory so you can change model weights easily :
docker run -d --name arm-tiny-yolo -v <conf_dir>:/conf -p 5000:5000 arm-tiny-yolo
To test an image with the Yolo WebService :
curl -X PUT -F image_file=@./soccer.jpeg http://localhost:5000/process
Class: person with confidence: 0.6138224005699158
Class: person with confidence: 0.4564242362976074
Class: person with confidence: 0.7284687161445618
Class: sports ball with confidence: 0.46966585516929626
Class: sports ball with confidence: 0.6894618272781372
Based on Alpine Linux 3.8, Python 3.6 and OpenCV 3.4.4.