Library for separating data input, output and processing in your business application.
Disclaimer: the library is sooo pre-alpha.
You have tons of business logic. You like clean architecture, but you're sane. You like dynamic structure of Python, but you're tired of runtime errors. You want to break things a little less and keep moving fast. You're is the right place.
Mario is a framework for business logic. Like Django or Flask for web-services.
It makes you put logic to pipelines: sets of pipes, each pipe does only one thing and only non-complex types can be transferred from pipe to pipe.
Each pipe is one of 3 types: input, output, processing. Input and output should be non-complex (like really non-complex, cyclomatic complexity ~3), processing pipes should be pure.
pip install super-mario
Here is simple pipeline, that send notifications on new comments in Jira tickets to Slack.
class JiraCommentsNotificationPipeline(BasePipeline):
pipeline = [
def fetch_new_comments(jira_ticket_id: str) -> ImmutableContext:
return {'new_comments':
hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0,
def fetch_users_mapping(new_comments: List[IssueComment]) -> ImmutableContext:
return {
'jira_to_slack_id_mapping': dict(User.objects.filter(
jira_id__in=[c['user_id'] for c in new_comments],
).values_list('jira_id', 'slack_id'))
def generate_slack_message(
jira_ticket_id: str,
new_comments: List[IssueComment],
jira_to_slack_id_mapping: Mapping[str, str],
) -> ImmutableContext:
message = '\n'.join([
f'@{jira_to_slack_id_mapping[c["user_id"]]} wrote'
f'comment for {jira_ticket_id}: "{c["text"]}"'
for c in new_comments
return {'message': message}
def send_slack_message(message: str) -> None:
# run pipeline for specific ticket
We would love you to contribute to our project. It's simple:
- Create an issue with bug you found or proposal you have. Wait for approve from maintainer.
- Create a pull request. Make sure all checks are green.
- Fix review comments if any.
- Be awesome.
Here are useful tips:
- You can run all checks and tests with
make check
. Please do it before TravisCI does. - We use BestDoctor python styleguide.
- We respect Django CoC. Make soft, not bullshit.