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Screeni [In Works]

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A module that helps in capturing Screen, Internal Audio (Only starting from Android P), Mic Audio

Overview 👣

We shall follow a Modular Mechanism to implement the flow of the App. This makes the App easier to scale

Architecture 🧰

Minimal/Modular/Straightforward architecture as this is supposed to be a demo app

Features 🧰

Feature Name Description
screen_record Has a ChannelCatchActivity responsible for channelcatch Module and implement Screen Recording

Modules 🧰

Module Name Description
app This is the main of the Application, this run and keeps activities intact
channelcatch This is the module responsible for recording screen, internal audio, mic audio based on the Current API Version
plinth Base Components Supplier for the whole app
bucker (not implemented) A Logger that logs all crashes, debugs, analytics, etc
stockpile Repo for all the UI templates

Configure 🎨

channelcatch module is a independent module and can be used in any app. Can be made public and used out of the box for any app. How to implement channelcatch module?

Following needs to be added in the app's AndroidManifest root

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
        android:foregroundServiceType="mediaProjection" />

Following needs to be added in your activity

    private val channelCaptureHelper by lazy { ChannelCaptureHelper(this, channelCatchCallback) }
    private val channelCatchCallback by lazy {
        object : ChannelCatchCallback {
            override fun askPermission() {


            override fun askForMediaCapturePermission(intent: Intent?, requestCode: Int) {
                this@ChannelCaptureActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode)

            override fun startedProjection() {
                record.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this@ChannelCaptureActivity, R.color.colorPrimary))
                record.text = getString(R.string.record_stop)

            override fun stoppedProjection() {
                record.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this@ChannelCaptureActivity, R.color.green_400))
                record.text = getString(R.string.record_start)


Start Capturing Screen


End Capturing Screen


Default RecordSpeification. You can create a new RecordSpecification object to change any of these

data class RecorderSpecification(
    val width: Int = 720,
    val height: Int = 1280,
    val v_bitrate: Int = 512 * 1000,
    val frameRate: Int = 30,
    val v_encoding: Int = MediaRecorder.VideoEncoder.H264,
    val a_encoding: Int = MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB,
    val filePattern: String = "dd-MM-yyyy-hh_mm_ss",
    val v_filePrefix: String = "Record_",
    val a_filePrefix: String = "Capture_",
    val v_ext: String = ".mp4",
    val a_ext: String = ".pcm",
    val v_source: Int = MediaRecorder.VideoSource.SURFACE,
    val a_source: Int = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC,
    val outputFormat: Int = MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP,
    val requestCode: Int = 1001


  • Why is it not working for me? - dependency issue maybe, create an issue if it doesn't work
  • Will it support other types of media? - Yes, all kinds but that will take time

Contributing 🤝

Open for contributors! Don't be shy. 😁 Feel free to open issues/pull requests to help me improve this project.


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