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About MyURLs

A simple url shortener made with laravel + tailwindcss.


  • user authenticatiom
  • URL shortening and redirection
  • Expiration dates for short URLs
  • Click tracking analytics


Alt text welcome screen

Alt text dashboard

Alt text shortener


1. Prerequisites:

  • Make sure you have PHP version 8+ installed on your system. You can check by running the following in your terminal.
php -v
  • Install Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. You can download it from the official website:

  • Install MySQL, a popular database system. You can download and install MySQL from the official website: or You can use a server stack like Xampp or Wamp which comes pre-installed with PHP and MySQL.

  • Visit the official Node.js website: Download the appropriate installer for your operating system and run it. Run the following command to verify that Node.js and npm are installed:

node -v
npm -v

2. Clone the repository:

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to install the app. Run the following command to clone the repository:

git clone

3. Install dependencies:

Navigate into the app's directory:

 cd myurls

Run the following command to install the app's dependencies using Composer and npm:

# composer
composer install 
# npm
npm install

4. Configure the environment:

Make a copy of the .env.example file and rename it to .env:

 cp .env.example .env

5. Generate an application key:

 php artisan key:generate

6. Set up the database:

Create a new database called myurls onto your database manually. If you have mysql environment installed you can run.

mysql -u your_username -p -e "CREATE DATABASE myurls;"

Update the .env file with the necessary database credentials:


note: your'll need to create the database called myurls or any other name according to the value of DB_DATABASE.

7. Migrate and seed the database:

Run the following command to migrate the database tables:

php artisan migrate

8. Serve the application:

Run the following command to start the Laravel development server & vite server:

npm run dev
php artisan serve

The app will be accessible at http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

That's it! You've successfully installed the app.


I made this project to learn more about Laravel (so far I'm Loving it).


My favourite license, MIT license