Shillelagh 1.2.5
A new release with some improvements to the system
sql> SELECT * FROM "system://" LIMIT 2;
timestamp cpu0 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3 cpu4 cpu5 cpu6 cpu7 cpu8 cpu9 cpu10 cpu11 virtual_total virtual_available virtual_percent virtual_used virtual_free virtual_active virtual_inactive virtual_wired swap_total swap_used swap_free swap_percent swap_sin swap_sout
-------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- --------------- ------------------- ----------------- -------------- -------------- ---------------- ------------------ --------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- -------------- ----------- -----------
2023-07-14 22:07:10.292952+00:00 0.52 0.01 0.25 0 0.218 0.01 0.2 0.01 0.2 0 0.12 0 34359738368 13592928256 60.4 17968046080 271433728 13326610432 12421562368 4641435648 9663676416 8401190912 1262485504 86.9 90934898688 346648576
2023-07-14 22:07:11.298629+00:00 0.574 0 0.32 0 0.212 0 0.16 0 0.18 0 0.129 0.01 34359738368 13593366528 60.4 17967742976 270090240 13326852096 12423344128 4640890880 9663676416 8401190912 1262485504 86.9 90934898688 346648576