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Issue labels

Meitar M edited this page Dec 13, 2016 · 7 revisions

WikiIssue labels

We use the GitHub issue tracker to stay informed about most work being done on the Buoy project. Each issue can be labelled, like a tag. This page describes some key labels we use to help us work more effectively with GitHub issues.

See a full list of Buoy project labels. For help using GitHub's issue tracker generally, see Managing projects.

bug label

For bugs! We define bugs as any "problem" (which is vague, we know) or unintended behavior.

Bugs can be applied to the software's code itself, its documentation, or even wiki pages. Even a typo is a bug (although in that case, you are encouraged to just edit the page to fix the typo, if you can…).

component:* label

Labels that start with component: relate to a group of features in Buoy. We call these feature groups "components." Individual components are things like, for instance, the chat system (component:chat), the shared map (component:map), or the various notification adapters (component:notifications).

enhancement label

For feature requests, suggestions for improving an existing feature, or anything else that doesn't currently exist in Buoy's functionality but that would make Buoy even more awesome.

good first issue label

Low-hanging fruit that we think might be easy for a novice coder or someone new to the codebase to tackle. If you're a new contributor, try picking up an issue labeled with one of these, first.

help wanted label

The opposite of the good first issue issue. These are issues that we are having some difficulty with and could use the help of others experienced with the problem domain.

integration label

For building interoperability with other platforms and tools that provide some or all of the features that Buoy provides. For instance, alternative chat protocols or different Content Management System (CMS) platforms.

meta:* label

We use the same project that we use for Buoy itself for managing Buoy's supporting projects, such as the website, this wiki, and other related efforts. When an issue relates to one of these additional projects, rather than Buoy's source code itself, it usually has one of these labels, such as meta:project website (used for the Buoy project website).

performance label

This refers to issues which aim to improve the speed or robustness of existing features.

refactoring label

In programming, "refactoring" is a process where code is changed, rewritten, or reorganized to make it easier to work with without changing functionality for the user.

reporter feedback needed label

Sometimes issues submitted by a reporter are incomplete, and in order to address them we need more information. Sometimes the reports are complete, but in the process of trying to fix the issue, we need to ask followup questions. In any of those cases, we assign the reporter feedback needed label to indicate that we're blocked on an issue and are waiting for more information from the issue's reporter.

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