Find your way through the performance optimization maze in this NodeSchool workshopper
This workshop is based on one of my talks, "High Performance in the Critical Path". The perfschool
workshopper was originally written for CampJS V.
Get it from npm
npm install perfschool -g
requires you to use Node.js v0.10.x
First off, the command below will give you fresh copies of the files you'll need to run the exercises.
perfschool init
Once that's out of the way, just run the command below and choose one of the exercises!
cd perfschool-playground ; npm install ; perfschool
- Haven't you read this!? PageSpeed Service deprecation
Yes, yes I have. That article talks about PageSpeed Service, a CloudFlare-like CDN service that's going to be shut down. The PageSpeed Insights product and related open-source products are still alive and well (source).