Trying to CRUD localStorage and make it more convenient to use. Use it to create "Tables" and "Rows" like you would in your favorite relational DB but not cause it kinda acts like its own crazy thang.
Hoping to add features like search in the future.... when I get around to it.
Crudler(crud, table, row_id, column, val)
Let use the example of using it for game storage...
I want to save a health and position for my character:
Crudler('create', 'character_stats', null, null, {health: 100, pos_x: 12, pox_y: 12})
Optionally there are responses if you are trying to debug your code you can wrap it in a console.log and add '.news' at the end like this:
console.log(Crudler('create', 'character_stats', null, null, {health: 100, pos_x: 12, pox_y: 12}).news)
and you'll get something like: 'New row successfully added to character_stats'
Hopefully you can intuit the pattern there.
Okay... You did it, now you want to "display that health brah", or however you said it. I'm not judging.
Crudler('read', 'character_stats', '1', 'health', null).response
The 1 is just simply an assumption that you only ran the above code once. Because then that data would be in the first row. Then it's the field I want from the row. in this case 'health'.
If I wanted to I could add multiple players this way by adding more rows.
Oh no your character is hit by a monster! You have to remove some health or mana or whatever.
Crudler('update', 'character_stats', '1', 'health', 87)
Wooo... you did it... so proud.
That monster just didn't stop, oh gawd, so bloody, and your character is dead. Let's delete evrything and start a new game:
Crudler('delete', null, null, null, null)
Or if you just wanted to delete all the character stats but the other stuff that you created sould stay.
Crudler('delete', 'character_stats', null, null, null)
Turns out, only player one died:
Crudler('delete', 'character_stats', 1, null, null)
Aaaactually, he's just turned into a shadow monster and can't be killed by conventional means:
Crudler('delete', 'character_stats', 1, 'health', null)
All Crudler calls return 3 response methods:
- '.news' - Returns a verbose response like "You need to specify a table"
- '.status' - This will either be 'incomplete', 'Success', or 'Error'
- '.reponse' - Will always respond with your data... yaay.