This is the server side application used to control the 2014 Burning Man project "Segment 16". The server side application is a Rails 4 application that runs on nginx and thin. The application runs on a Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi sends SPI signals to a string of WS2801 addressable multi colored LEDs. CAD Designs will be opensource as well as soon as the become available.
Pictures of the project: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10101747777027690.1073741833.6906203&type=1&l=32b286d4ba
The goal is to build between 10 and 20 of these huge 16 segment displays. When they are hooked together, anyone with a phone or computer can log into the supplied wireless network go to a website and submit phrases to be displayed on the sign. There will also be an iphone app that you can download to control the sign.
#Contact benguest@gmail.com
#Raspberry Pi
RaspberryPi | Lead Wire | SH - 3535 - WS2801 | 5V WS2801-16P STRIP |
(Power) | RED | +12V - Red | 5V - Black |
CLK (Clock) | BLACK | CLK - White | CI -> CO - Green |
MOSI | GREEN | DAT - Green | DI -> DO - Red |
GND (Ground) | BLACK | GND - Blue | GND - Blue |
See RaspberryPi_Setup.md
- Add reset button next to sign that turns off all leds
- Update running sign when update sign effects
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local sudo ifconfig <— ipaddress
cd gem env gemdir
ps -ef | grep thin df -h du # disk usage
sudo ./a.out
sudo shutdown -h now