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MonkeyCBP (A toolbox for connectivity-based parcellation of monkey brain)
- Multi-ROI oriented brain parcellation
- Automatic parallel computing
- Modular and flexible structure
- Simple and easy-to-use settings
- Usage:
bash MonkeyCBP.sh batch_list.txt
- Tools:
- FSL (with FDT toolbox), SGE and MATLAB (with SPM8)
- Data files:
- T1 image for each subject
- b0 image for each subject
- images preprocessed by FSL(BedpostX) for each subject
- Directory structure:
|-- sub1
| |-- T1_sub1.nii
| |-- b0_sub1.nii
|-- ...
|-- subN
| |-- T1_subN.nii
| |-- b0_subN.nii
|-- ROI
| |-- ROI_L.nii
| `-- ROI_R.nii
`-- log