Admin & API on top of awesomes OSS products in order to provide BaaS experience :
- Interactive programming & data exploration (jupyterLab)
- GraphQL & event engine (hasura)
- Identity and access management (keycloak)
- Storage engine (minio)
related to
- docker engine
git clone
cd datastack
docker-compose up
Migration cmd :
run to src/Microscope.Infrastructure :
dotnet ef --startup-project ../Microscope.Api/ migrations add InitialCreate -o Migrations
dotnet ef --startup-project ../Microscope.Api/ database update
Generate controller :
dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -api -name RemoteConfigController -m RemoteConfig -dc MicroscopeDbContext
- Services :
- Reverse proxy -- OK
- Yarp -- OK
- Envoy
- Identity
- Keycloak -- OK
- OpenIddict -- TARGET
- Storage -- OK
- S3
- Blob storage -- OK
- filesystem -- OK
- minio -- OK
- Remote configs -- OK
- Feature flipping -- OK
- JSON Remote configs -- OK
- Analytics -- OK
- postgrest -- OK
- hasura
- JSON Server -- OK
- mcsp_api_engine -- TARGET
- Schema
- DSL schema
- database
- schema
- Table
- Fields
- Type
- Widget
- Fields
- Table
- schema
- database
- DSL schema
- Functions
- azure functions
- serverless
- Automation -- OK
- Workflows
- Elsa -- OK
- Logic app
- Webhooks -- OK
- Workflows
- Reverse proxy -- OK
- Clients
- Blazor
- Storage admin
- Schema admin
- Function admin
- Workflows admin
- Identity admin
- Automation admin
- Blazor