This repo contains experiments for event driven microservice design and development.
Really simple tech stack and simple code.
- NodeJS/Express
- React
- Docker
- Kubernetes (k8s)
- Ingress Nginx
- Skaffold
The project attempts to build the following different microserices as proof of concept:
- React client (FE)
- posts (MS)
- comments (MS)
- event-bus (MS)
- query (MS)
- moderation (MS)
And the following concepts are covered in this repo:
- Micro-services design and philosophy (how they should behave and work)
- EventBus and EventStorage for async operations
- Comparision with monolithic designs
- Dockerization of services
- Managing k8s clusters/objects with
- K8s deployments and dev practices with Skaffold
This next part attempts to build production grade ms by utilizing third party packages when deemed necessary