This sample project named RecipeDairy allows user to write recipes and save/read them to/from app's local database as your personalized recipe collection.Database is synchronized with Network(Firebase Firestore). This project is made of using all the latest technologies of Modern Android Development.
Language- Kotlin
UI- Jetpack Compose
Architecture - Model-View-Intent(MVI)
Database- Room
Async- Kotlin Flows and channels, Coroutines
Dependency Injection-Hilt
Network - Firebase Firestore
Testing-Unit tests
Etc- Jetpack Navigation, Gradle Dependency Management
1.To run this app you will need to create a firebase project and link it up with the project.
2.Create Firebase Authentication user and replace the UserId generated in RecipeFirestoreServiceImpl file.
const val USER_ID = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" // hardcoded for single user..replace with your firebase USER UID
This repository contains sample project for an extended app on PlayStore which can be downloaded at below link-