This project is a real-time chat application developed using Node.js, Express and the Websockt framework. It incorporates websockets to enable instantaneous communication between clients. The server-side code utilizes MongoDB as a database, and the chat messages are stored in a chatModel schema. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are employed to provide secure authentication and ensure that only authorized users can access the chat. Additionally, the project includes a separate file for defining routes used by the Express application. Overall, this project offers a robust and scalable solution for real-time chat communication, with a focus on security and performance.
GitHub Link:
To start the Srever: npm run start
Tech Stack: ● Programming language: node.js ● Framework: Express Js and WebSocket ● Database: MongoDB ● For User authentication: jsonwebtoken
Api's ● User Registration (localhost:3000/registration)
● User Login (localhost:3000/login)
● wss (ws://localhost:8080)