Colossal Trajectory Mining (CTM) detects co-movement patterns inside large scale trajectory datasets. A spatio-temporal references is partitioned in tiles, each tiles has a fixed spatial area and a temporal size. Then, for each tile is computed the set of trajectories whose at least one point is inside the tile boundaries.
Please refer/cite to the following research paper:
- Matteo Francia, Enrico Gallinucci. "Colossal Trajectory Mining: A Unifying Approach to Mine Behavioral Mobility Patterns." Expert Systems with Applications (to appear).
The input dataset must be a table accessible on a Hive installation, the table must have the at least the following columns:
- userid: String contains a custom ID for every point of a trajectory
- trajectoryid: String contains the trajectory ID for every point of a trajectory
- latitude: Double contains the latitude of a point
- longitude: Double contains the longitude of a point
- timestamp: Long contains seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970 (unix_time) as a Long
Output result are stored on a Hive table named: CTM__par1_val1__...__parN_valN.csv
Unit tests are available via the --debug
option on launch.
rm results/CTM_stats.csv; git pull; ./gradlew
Experimental tests are available by running:
rm results/CTM_stats.csv; git pull; ./gradlew clean build shadowJar; sh