I like writing blogs about technical topics like Data Science, Machine Learning and Java programming. I love to geek out on exploring new technologies, and have a great passion to learn and share the same. I also have a podcast that brings guests from variours career domains so that people looking for some advice as to what role to choose, whether to make the career switch or not, some preparation tips for freshers to land jobs, how to start freelancing, tips on starting something of their own and much more will be covered in "Pep and Prep Talks!" Apart from this I LOVE READING ❤️
Medium blog is a mixed bag of technical, preparatory, and personal experiences blog posts. Go have a look and my Medium blog: https://bilwagaonker99.medium.com/
Hashnode is mostly technical blogs and you can go and check it out here.
You can find the podcast on as well as Google Podcasts
And for video podcasts check out the YouTube channel! If you like the content make sure to LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE💯